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US Tax Update: W-7 Renewal

19 October 2016 •

As a Certified Acceptance Agent, as recognised by the IRS, we are starting to receive numerous requests for W-7 renewals from existing US tax filers.  This change has got many people worried about their ITIN status and is even identified as a ‘hot topic’ on the IRS website.      

Due to the Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes Act (PATH) passed in 2015, any ITIN not used at least once in the last three years will effectively expire.  In other words, if you have not been filing 1040 NRs in the past 3 years your ITIN may become invalid starting January 2017.   

Additionally, the IRS will be issuing renewals for all ITINs issued before 2013 starting with ITINs middle digits of ‘78’ and ‘79’.  

If you believe that you may be facing a renewal please don’t hesitate to contact Warrener Stewart and we would be happy to assist you as Certified Acceptance Agents in completing a W-7 form, certification of overseas identification or any additional US tax related issues.

We estimate our cost for completing the process (excluding 1040NR completion) is £150 + VAT.

We are happy to complete the renewal process for both existing and new clients, so if you believe that you may be effected by the renewal please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Please see our dedicated webpage for further information

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