The Challenge
To help keep a local rugby club solvent and able to compete at national level in competitive rugby
As anyone who has ever been involved with an association or club knows the job of treasurer is one of the least sought after positions; for not only does that person hold the purse strings, they are responsible for keeping the club afloat. This is no mean feat when so many disparate parts of the club all clamor for money to purchase equipment coupled with the general overheads of running a business.
The Solution
Warrener Stewart has enjoyed a close relationship with the south London community rugby club, Rosslyn Park FC, for more than twenty years since founder of Warrener Stewart, Peter Warrener, initially held the position of treasurer. When a young, keen amateur rugby player Nick Morgan joined the company in 1995, Peter introduced him to the club to assist him with the complex duties of treasurer. Alongside his paid client work, Nick Morgan, now one of the directors at Warrener Stewart, held the position of treasurer of Rosslyn Park FC for over ten years.
The Result
Over the past twenty years, Rosslyn Park has survived both financial highs and lows that all clubs are prone to – yet they have managed to remain true to their ethos of ‘a match for everyone’. Unlike many amateur clubs they resisted the urge to turn professional preferring to remain at the heart of community rugby developing an active mini’s section and a ladies team.
Rosslyn Park has benefitted enormously from prudent financial advice from their treasurers, initially Peter Warrener and then Nick Morgan. Both were able to draw on the internal resources of their Fulham based chartered accountancy firm to keep the club going. With a new 2015/16 season fast approaching the club is expecting a profitable year following the addition of a new all weather pitch, clubhouse improvements and the addition of a digital advertising board.
Client's View
“Rosslyn Park has always been dependent upon raising funds to achieve what it needed and like any club had to act like a business, moving with the times. For a small club it is gratifying to see it survive and even thrive. The professional first team came second in the national rugby league and they have even raised enough fund to erect a new 4G floodlit pitch at the Priory Lane stadium.”